
Our iconic chair collection has all your seating needs covered with classically inspired designs from the likes of Eames, Panton, Wegner and Jacobsen. Make an impression with statement armchairs and sofas like the Egg, Corona or Teddy Bear chair. Discover the practicality of an iconic Eames or Panton chair, or choose a great wooden classic such as the Y Chair.
  1. Color Aniline Leather_Black Remove This Item
  2. Color Beech Remove This Item
Clear All
  1. Aniline Leather_Black 19 items
  2. Aniline Leather_Brown 18 items
  3. Aniline Leather_Camel 6 items
  4. Aniline Leather_Cream 10 items
  5. Aniline Leather_Dark Brown 13 items
  6. Aniline Leather_Grey 2 items
  7. Aniline Leather_Red 10 items
  8. Aniline Leather_Sand 5 items
  9. Aniline Leather_White 12 items
  10. Ash_Ash 2 items
  11. Ash_Black 1 item
  12. Baby Blue 3 items
  13. Beech_Beech 1 item
  14. Beech_Black 1 item
  15. Beech_White 1 item
  16. Beige 1 item
  17. Black 4 items
  18. Black with Black Seat 1 item
  19. Brown 2 items
  20. Cashmere_Black 10 items
  21. Cashmere_Blue 1 item
  22. Cashmere_Dark Blue 1 item
  23. Cashmere_Dark Grey 9 items
  24. Cashmere_Green 7 items
  25. Cashmere_Grey 1 item
  26. Cashmere_Light Grey 8 items
  27. Cashmere_Orange 7 items
  28. Cashmere_Purple 1 item
  29. Cashmere_Red 7 items
  30. Cashmere_Turkish Blue 3 items
  31. Cashmere_White 6 items
  32. Dark Brown 1 item
  33. Dark Grey 2 items
  34. Fabric_Black 2 items
  35. Fabric_Blue 1 item
  36. Fabric_Green 2 items
  37. Fabric_Grey 2 items
  38. Fabric_Red 2 items
  39. Fabric_White 2 items
  40. Fabric_Yellow 2 items
  41. Fibreglass_Black 1 item
  42. Fibreglass_Blue 1 item
  43. Fibreglass_Brown 1 item
  44. Fibreglass_Cream 1 item
  45. Fibreglass_Green 1 item
  46. Fibreglass_Grey 1 item
  47. Fibreglass_Lime 1 item
  48. Fibreglass_Orange 1 item
  49. Fibreglass_Pink 1 item
  50. Fibreglass_White 1 item
  51. Fibreglass_Yellow 1 item
  52. Grey 1 item
  53. Light Blue 1 item
  54. Light Grey 1 item
  55. Maple_Black 1 item
  56. Maple_Maple 1 item
  57. Mesh_Black 1 item
  58. Metal_Black 2 items
  59. Metal_Raw Metal 1 item
  60. Metal_Red 1 item
  61. Metal_Silver 1 item
  62. Metal_White 2 items
  63. Oak_Black 2 items
  64. Oak_Dark Brown 1 item
  65. Oak_Oak 2 items
  66. Oak_White 1 item
  67. Plastic Rattan_Black 2 items
  68. Plastic Rattan_Blue 1 item
  69. Plastic Rattan_Brown 1 item
  70. Plastic Rattan_Green 2 items
  71. Plastic Rattan_Pink 2 items
  72. Plastic Rattan_Red 2 items
  73. Plastic Rattan_Turquoise/Pink 1 item
  74. Plastic Rattan_White 2 items
  75. Plastic Rattan_Yellow 1 item
  76. Plastic_Black 3 items
  77. Plastic_Blue 1 item
  78. Plastic_Cream 1 item
  79. Plastic_Green 2 items
  80. Plastic_Grey 1 item
  81. Plastic_Mauve 1 item
  82. Plastic_Mustard 1 item
  83. Plastic_Orange 1 item
  84. Plastic_Red 3 items
  85. Plastic_Teal 1 item
  86. Plastic_White 3 items
  87. Plywood_Black 2 items
  88. Plywood_Blue 2 items
  89. Plywood_Green 2 items
  90. Plywood_Oak 1 item
  91. Plywood_Orange 2 items
  92. Plywood_Red 2 items
  93. Plywood_Walnut 4 items
  94. Plywood_White 2 items
  95. Plywood_Yellow 2 items
  96. Red 2 items
  97. Semi-aniline Leather_Black 8 items
  98. Semi-aniline Leather_Brown 6 items
  99. Semi-aniline Leather_Cream 5 items
  100. Semi-aniline Leather_Dark Brown 6 items
  101. Semi-aniline Leather_Red 5 items
  102. Semi-aniline Leather_White 5 items
  103. Stainless Steel_Natural 1 item
  104. Transparent Plastic_Clear 1 item
  105. Transparent Plastic_Grey 1 item
  106. Transparent Plastic_Red 1 item
  107. Walnut_Black 2 items
  108. Walnut_Cream 1 item
  109. Walnut_Dark Brown 1 item
  110. Walnut_Walnut 1 item
  111. Walnut_White 1 item
  112. White 2 items
  113. Wood_Black 1 item
  114. Wood_Black with Black Seat 1 item
  115. Wood_Bordeaux 1 item
  116. Wood_Citrus 1 item
  117. Wood_Cream 1 item
  118. Wood_Dark Green 1 item
  119. Wood_Light Grey 1 item
  120. Wood_Orange 1 item
  121. Wood_Purple 1 item
  122. Wood_White 1 item
  123. Yellow 2 items

Items 10-18 of 19

per page
    • -78%
    • -5644
    The Ox Chair
    Inspired by Hans J. Wegner
    As low as $1,599.00
    • -83%
    • -4540
    Platner Style Armchair
    Inspired by Warren Platner
    As low as $959.00
    • -89%
    • -7512
    Teddy Bear Chair
    Inspired by Hans J. Wegner
    As low as $921.00
    • -80%
    • -3185
    PK22 Chair
    Inspired by Poul Kjaerholm
    As low as $799.00
    • -85%
    • -4927
    Barcelona Chair
    Inspired by Mies Van Der Rohe
    As low as $899.00
    • -88%
    • -6080
    The Swan Chair
    Inspired by Arne Jacobsen
    As low as $849.00
    • -86%
    • -7984
    The Egg Chair
    Inspired by Arne Jacobsen
    As low as $1,295.00
    • -75%
    • -2390
    Inspired by Poul Kjaerholm
    As low as $779.00
    • -73%
    • -1592
    The Golden Egg stool
    Inspired by Arne Jacobsen
    As low as $599.00

Items 10-18 of 19

per page