Panton Globe Lamp got its names from Verner Panton. These lamps are known for their simplicity, creativeness, and functions they have. They are the perfect example of creativity and technology can result in marvels. Every part of these lamps, right from the quality of material to its lights, all the things are designed to spread brightness wherever they are installed.
Panton Globe Lamp was a creation that came out of its founder’s obsession with nature and the environment.
The reason behind creating these lamps was to establish a relationship with nature and offer a psychedelic experience to all the people using it. There are thousands of varieties of lamps available in the market these days.
However, not all of them have the same vibes as that of Panton Globe Lamps. These lamps were not merely designed as a home décor product. Rather, they were introduced to bring a change in the perception of people. These lamps are designed with passion, love, and to get blessed by nature.
Features of Panton Globe Lamp
The designer of these lamps was interested in the way how lights work and how do they get reflected on different mediums. Upon many experiments, the final design came out that was unique in its way. The quality of material used to reflect the light can be hardly seen in other kinds of lamps.
If you carefully look at the design of this lamp, it features a shiny and crystal clear acrylic that reflects the light naturally and in the best way possible. Use of steel chains and all other materials are carefully selected to reflect light in all directions. Unlike other lamps, this lamp has the amazing feature of reflecting the light even during the day, thereby giving out a unique style.
The reflectors installed in the bottom and top of this lamp are the reasons behind its beauty. The combination of colors used to create this lamp is another thing that gives it an aesthetic look. The colors of spectrum used in this lamp create a lively mood all around the place these lamps are installed.
Having these lamps installed in your dining area or living area is the best thing you can do for house décor. Apart from being designer lamps, these lamps spread a positive vibe all around the place they are installed. If you wish to purchase these lamps for your house, Stin is the best place for you. They provide handmade lamps that can be tailored according to your needs.